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USCF President Lee met with Officials from Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang
Published:2013-11-01 17:20:58    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

USCF President Lee, and Li Ning, who is the general manager of Lang Lang in China , met with Fang Xiangdong, the director of Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang in the afternoon of May 26, in 2010.

During the meeting, President Lee explained director Fang that USCF planned to make Lang Lang the international image ambassador for Shenyang . As we know, Lang Lang who was born in Shenyang is a very famous international pianist today, President Lee also added the program of building a Lang Lang Musical Square in Shenyang, what will be made up of both multiple musical elements and modern factors, to promote Shenyang’s new image of international metropolitan which is opening to the outside world and representing the fashion city. After the construction of the Lang Lang Musical Square , there will be an art and musical festival every year to make this new thriving city filled with the artistic blazes forever. In the conversation, Li Ning, the general manager of Lang Lang in China , explained the current information about Lang Lang to the leaders of foreign affairs office in Shenyang and also said Lang Lang hoped he could make more contributions to his hometown. Director Fang gave many valuable suggestions on putting this program into operation while he highly praised Lang Lang’s ideas; he said the Foreign Affairs Office and the Culture Bureau of Shenyang would give great support to these programs.

Wang Jingying, the deputy director of Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang, and Lu Ming, the deputy director general of the Bureau of Europe, Africa, America and Oceania , were also present at this meeting.

Li Ning flew to Shenyang and met with the officials from Foreign Affairs of Shenyang through President Lee, then returned to Beijing that night after the meeting. 

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