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日期:2018-12-02 12:18:46    大小:【】【】【
Summary:Deep condolences to the 41st President of the US George H.W. Bush

沉痛悼念美中基金会的老朋友、美国杰出的政治家、中美友谊的长期推动者~美利坚合众国第四十一届总统乔治 H.W.布什 


Deep condolences to the 41st President of the US George H.W. Bush, the old friend of the United States and China Foundation(USCF), outstanding American politician, the long-term advocate of US-China friendship.


President Bush Senior was profoundly associated with China. Early in 1970s, President Bush Senior acted as the Director of the US Liaison Office residing in Beijing. During his office in China,  President Bush Senior made continuing efforts and great contribution to the development of China-US relations. Because of his liking to ride bicycle in Beijing, he was called ‘the Ambassador riding bicycle’ and he set up sincere friendship with Chinese people in all walks of society in China.     


Besides his hobby of riding bicycle, Senior Bush and his wife also greatly enjoyed Chinese dishes. His most favourite Chinese dish is the specialty in Beijing ---Peking Duck. After his return to the USA, Senior Bush often came to a restaurant called ‘Beijing Palace’ in Virginia to enjoy Peking Duck. His favourite Chinese dishes were Beijing Duck, Deep Fired Shrimp, Beijing Flavoured Lamb, Fired Beef, Fired Beans, etc. His liking for Chinese dishes affected all the members of the Bush family, Senior Bush and Junior Bush, often along with their family, came to the above place to enjoy these Chinese dishes.   


在此期间,老布什总统连续多日与我会创会主席李黎,高级顾问尼克 克莱门茨,柴泽民,赵新良,尤金 格利斯,斯卡尔博格等人亲密接触,交流多年从事美中关系工作的感触感受,与中国人民的友情亲情,他多次发自内心地表达自己对中国、对中国文化、对中国人民的真挚感情,他说: 他与夫人芭芭拉七十年代在北京度过的那段时光是他一生中最愉快、最难以忘怀的时光。他回到休斯敦后,还专门发来信函,邀请李黎主席的夫人、我会艺术总监女高音歌唱家朱佳莉去他的老家举办独唱音乐会。在他的亲自邀请与关照下,"朱佳莉: 红杉树~中美友谊之约独唱音乐会”在美国休斯敦成功举办,受到美国观众、中国驻休斯敦总领馆、以及当地华人华侨隆重而热烈的欢迎。




President Bush Senior visited China many times in his lifetime. In 2004, at his official authorization, USCF exclusively coordinated and arranged for President Bush Senior’ visit to China including the International Environment Forum hosted by USCF in Shanghai, the China-US Education Forum hosted by USCF in Beijing and the Boao Forum in Hainan, etc., all attended by President Bush Senior. During his visit to China, President Bush Senior worked closely with Larry Lee, the Founding Chairman of USCF; senior advisers of USCF like Nick Clements, Cai Zhe Min, Zhao Xin Liang, Eugene Grace, Ernest Scallberg, etc. , exchanging his years experiences engaging in dealing with China-US relations, expressing his deep friendship for Chinese people, and his deep love for China, Chinese culture and Chinese people. President Bush Senior told Chairman Larry Lee, being together with his wife Barbara in 1970s in Beijing was his most pleasantest and the most memorable period in his life. After his being back to Houston, President Bush Senior  sent his especial invitation to Chairman Lee’s wife Julia Zhu, a well known Chinese singer, to give her solo concert in Bush's hometown Houston. With President Bush Senior’s invitation and assistance, Julia Zhu’s solo concert: The Redwood, A China-US Friendship Concert, was successfully held in Houston University, and received warmest welcome and high praise from American audience, official at Chinese Consulate in Houston and local Chinese in Houston.


The hero passing away, however, his inspiration ringing on!

President H. W. Bush, a close friend of Chinese people, will forever live in the hearts of Chinese people!  


The United States and China Formation

December 1, 2018

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